A BANKRUPTCY LAW BOARD CERTIFIED ATTORNEY?Should you look for a board certified attorney?
A board certified attorney is a lawyer who has demonstrated special competence in a particular field in which the Texas Board of Legal Specialization has certified their competence.

Texas Board of Legal Specialization
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 463-1454 Fax (512) 447-7719
Only attorneys that have:
– Been licensed to practice law for at least 5 years.
– Practiced bankruptcy law for at least 3 years.
– Devoted a minimum of 30% of their law practice to bankruptcy law.
– Handled a wide variety of bankruptcy law matters to demonstrate experience and involvement.
– Attended bankruptcy law continuing legal education seminars regularly to keep their legal training up to date.
– Been evaluated by fellow lawyers and judges.
– Passed a day-long written examination.
should you get a board certified attorney?
Yes, because you will be hiring an attorney with years of experience in consumer bankruptcy law, and one that has knowledge of current trends in law. Also since the attorney fees are set by the court, it does NOT cost you any more to hire a board certified attorney.
Get In Touch
2610 MONTANA AVE. 79903
11351 JAMES WATT DR. BLDG. C-100 79936
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